On lun. 16/09/13 22:41 , Thomas Funk <t.f...@web.de> wrote:

> michel dominique wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I begun to made some work on a xdg menu for fvwm-menu-desktop
> > that will provide FreeDesktop additional categories support out of the
> > box.
> >
> > It will provide /etc/xdg/menus/fvwm-applications.menu and its
> > associated files. This is a work in progress, for just it just
> > give an idea of what I want to do. A few additional categories
> > are already supported, and it will take some time until all are
> > incorporated.
> >
> > It is a repository on github:
> > https://github.com/domichel/fvwm-xdg-menu [1] [1]
> The xfce menu is the wrong one you've started with. It is too specific.
> You have to use an applications.menu. It is more unique.

I started from xfce applications menu. It is an xdg application menu, and
as such, it is able to show any applications that have desktop files in

> The other problem with your menu is that you have .desktop entries. A
> unique menu should work without them.

These .desktop files in /usr/share/desktop-directories are hare only for
automatic translations of the category's names and comments.
The menu work fine without them, exactly like yours, but will be in
English only.

> Attached is my first test menu based on Ubuntus applications.menu with
> some parts from openSuse. I have to test it on other distributions but
> on Debian it works fine. Should work on Fedora, too because their
> applications.menu is similar.

Thank you, it is interesting. 

Applications place their desktop files into
/usr/share/applications. If these desktop files are compliant, all will be
fine on any distribution. If they are not, this only mean these desktop
files are buggy because they are not non-compliant.
In gentoo, portage issue warnings about these buggy desktop files.

> But Mageia/Mandriva for example has own directory named files besides of
> the xdg specification, so there is much work to support such
> distributions.

For me, this is their problem. The xdg specification exist for one good reason,
to standardize menus. If some xyz distribution make non standard extensions
to that norm, it is not my problem if they like to make extra work. I will not
do it for them, but will accept patches.

Also, extra categories can be made with a X- prefix. Maybe this is for that
they write:
"Category-based menu implementations SHOULD therefore provide a 
"catch-all" submenu for applications that cannot be appropriately placed

In my menu, it is the following at the end:

I didn't looked at it for now, so this is still the xfce-* Directory key.
But it work in English with any locale.

That imply for Fedora and the like, it can be enough to add some
*Dir* statements at the beginning, and their apps will be matched
into the relevant categories, and in Other otherwise. If they don't
like it, they can send patches.

> > It is no icon support for the categories at that time, maybe later if
> > I find the time. But maybe they are already in fvwm-themes?
> fvwm-menu-desktop supports icons by default.

I talk about categories icons here, not apps icons.
Do you mean the Icon keys in the /usr/share/desktop-directories
desktop files, because it is in these files the categories icons are
specified, or icons in fvwm ImagePath?


> Thomas
> >
> > Best,
> > Dominique
> Links:
> ------
> [1]
> http://awebmail.vtx.ch/parse.php?redirect=https://github.com/domichel/fvwm-
> xdg-menu

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