Some features that have been removed in mvwm that I'm not sure

1. FvwmCpp and FvwmM4

  These preprocessing modules are an important part of fvwm's
  flexibility.  I extensively use FvwmCpp to adapt my fvwm config
  to the actual machine I'm working on.  My .fvwm2rc looks like

#// -*-c-*-
#include ".fvwm/palettes/Standard.pal"
#include ".fvwm/palette"
#include ".fvwm/.fvwm2rc.local"

#// symbolic colour names
#define CFORE dtfore
#define CBACK dtcolour1
#define CTEXT dtfore
#define CBORDER dtcolour2
#define CHILIGHT dtcolour7
#define CFOCUS dtcolour0
#define CMENU dtcolour1
#define CSHADED dtcolour3

#// terminal command
#define TERMTTY rxvt -d $DISPLAY
#define TERMXPM TERMTTY -pixmap $HOME/.fvwm/backgrounds/ -sk
#define MENUITEM_TERM &rxvt
#define MENUITEM_TERM_ rxvt
#define MAIL mutt
#define MENUITEM_MAIL &mutt


  The included files define many macros that choose the fonts,
  screen layout, the current colour palette etc. that are used on
  the actual machine.

  To sum it up, while I'm not quite sure that the preprocessing
  modules are implemented in a sensible way, FvwmCpp should be
  revived.  I'm not sure whether anybody uses FvwmM4.

2. Support for xpm, xbm and svg images.

  While I've no idea whether svg images are really usefull (in
  title buttons perhaps?), xpm images, and to a lesser extent xbm
  iamges, are still used a lot in old icon themes.  So I vote for
  reviving support for xpm and xbm format.

I can take care of both.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


Dominik Vogt

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