"Dominik Vogt" <dominik.v...@gmx.de> wrote:
> 2. Support for xpm, xbm and svg images.
>   While I've no idea whether svg images are really usefull (in
>   title buttons perhaps?), xpm images, and to a lesser extent xbm
>   iamges, are still used a lot in old icon themes.  So I vote for
>   reviving support for xpm and xbm format.
> I can take care of both.

In Fvwm-Nightshade I am using mostly svg's because of the flexibility
in conjunction with different display resolutions. Also the trend in
other DEs/WMs is in direction to svg (icon themes, decorations).

It would be a pitty if FVWM(3) loose this support. But to reduce the
core to an effective minimum it is ok for me. I suppose that Thomas
thought to implement those parts as modules which would be great 
because then other image formats can plugged to FVWM very easily.
Also it would reduce the maintenance ^^

-- Thomas --

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