Just had a lyx window pop up on the wrong page with

  Style LyX* StartsOnPage 1 0, SkipMapping, NoPPosition
  Style lyx* StartsOnPage 1 0, SkipMapping, NoPPosition

When started, the page diplayed was either 0 0 or 0 1.  The lyx
main window appeared on page 1 0, opened the last open document
and that generated a lyx warning window.  (Actually I don't know
on thich page that appeared because I did not pay attention.)  Now
it gets interesting.

 * Switch to page 1 0
   -> The warning window is not on page 1 0
   -> In the Pager *is* displayed on page 1 0 at +0+0
 * Not knowing what else to do I switched back to page 0 0
   -> The winding window is now displayed on page 2 0 +0+0 in the
 * Switch to page 2 0
   -> Window becomes visible at +0+0

I cannot reproduce the problem now.  The output on the X console
is inconspicios:

-- snip --
[mvwm][__explain_placement]: placed new window 0x80003b 'LyX: Document class 
not available':
  initial size 384x212
  desk 0 (transient window placed on same desk as parent)
  page 1 0 (specified by style)
  screen: DVI-I-1: 0 0 1600x1200 (current screen)
  position 0 0, placed by mvwm (normal placement)
    placement method: MinOverlap
-- snip --
Any ideas how this could happen and whether it's some effect in the
new code?  I'm using the dv/new-parser branch.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


Dominik Vogt

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