Kwin and xfwm are compositors. Fvwm is not, so to use the compositing
extension in fvwm you will need xcompmgr or some other standalone

El jue., 1 nov. 2018 15:21, <> escribió:

> I have tried lots of stuff, too much to list at this time,
> but the following test program has a transparent background
> in XFCE and KDE. (On Slackware 14.2 64-Bit, NVidia Video Card
> and Driver).
> It does not work in FVWM, TWM, FluxBox, BlackBox nor WindowMaker.
> In FVWM, transset does not work. (Works in KDE and XFCE).
> The XComposite extension is in place.
> The Visual (as far as I can tell) is 32-Bit True Color.
> I cannot seem to get a transparent window, no matter what.
> I also tried it on an Ubuntu system as well. Same problem.
> Basically I just need a transparent terminal for text overlay.
> I am sending this to the Workers mailing list as if there is
> something I can contribute to fix this, I would like to try.
> I am running: fvwm 2.6.8-4-g4e759d6 compiled on Oct 31 2018 at 08:54:15
> I tried adding this to fvwm/fvwm.c:
> 2281             XMatchVisualInfo(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), 32, TrueColor,
> &template);
> 2291             XMatchVisualInfo(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), 32, TrueColor,
> &template);
> No luck.
> If a window shows up as transparent in XFCE, why would that
> same application not be that way in FVWM?

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