On Thu, Nov 01, 2018 at 10:22:25PM +0100, Jesús J. Guerrero Botella wrote:
> Kwin and xfwm are compositors. Fvwm is not, so to use the compositing
> extension in fvwm you will need xcompmgr or some other standalone
> compositor.

xcompmgr changed the root window. fvwm-root and xsetroot don't
appear to work. (But then the color or image will appear after
xcompmgr is stopped).

It also affects Desktop Menus, and the Desktop Pager. It seems to set
the Transparency to .5 (I think). Then I can use transset  
to further change the transparency of a particular window.
But this affects both foreground, (text), and window decorations.

It affects the window decorations for xfce-terminal windows, 
but does not seem to affect applications like Firefox or GIMP.

This is not what I was looking for. Using transset makes the
entire window transparent. I want to keep the Decorations,
and foreground text. The decorations I handle with Fvwm Style.
(Although if I lose them it is ok in this instance.) But,
the foreground text needs to keep its opacity. And, of course,
it needs to be made applicable to only a specific window, by 
a script, or whatever.

Tryimg compiz and compton...

> El jue., 1 nov. 2018 15:21, <KopCam> escribió:
> > I have tried lots of stuff, too much to list at this time,
> > but the following test program has a transparent background
> > in XFCE and KDE. (On Slackware 14.2 64-Bit, NVidia Video Card
> > and Driver).
> >
> >
> > https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39906128/how-to-create-semi-transparent-white-window-in-xlib
> >
> > It does not work in FVWM, TWM, FluxBox, BlackBox nor WindowMaker.

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