The "-n" option to xcompmgr made a difference...

It behaves more "Normally" now, but the transparency goes
away when certain programs are run like xfce4 terminal, or
mplayer in the Root Window.

The workaround is to do it on a per-screen basis. (I have :0.0, :0.1, and :0.2),
and set the DISPLAY Variable or display command line option, as desired.

The test-program mentioned below appears as expected. 

> xcompmgr changed the root window. fvwm-root and xsetroot don't
> appear to work. (But then the color or image will appear after
> xcompmgr is stopped).

The root window thing is still a little funky...

> > 
> > El jue., 1 nov. 2018 15:21, <KopCam> escribió:
> > 
> > > I have tried lots of stuff, too much to list at this time,
> > > but the following test program has a transparent background
> > > in XFCE and KDE. (On Slackware 14.2 64-Bit, NVidia Video Card
> > > and Driver).
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > It does not work in FVWM, TWM, FluxBox, BlackBox nor WindowMaker.

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