On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 09:00:40PM +0200, Viktor Griph wrote:
> I'm working on a patch to allow windows to be placed with buttons >3. 
> However, I run into some strangeness with the way Move is supposed to work 
> according to the Man page, compared to what it actually does:
> The man page states that Move can be canceled with MB2. This is currently 
> only true if Emulate is set to MWM. In other case MB2 places the window, 
> and does nothing more (unless when __move is called from placement.c 
> where it will continue with a resize operation). With Emulate not MWM the 
> only way to cancel a non-drag-move with the mose is any button >3, which 
> won't be possible with the patch I'm writing either.
> So, to come to the question: How should non-drag-movment be aborted by 
> mouse?

Phew, difficult question.  I wonder if anybody ever uses this
feature.  I once coded it because I though it should be possible
to abort everything just with the mouse, but since then an awful
lot of functionality has crept into the move and resize code.

> I also have two code-related questions:
> 1. Is there a way to see if a FvwmWindow never have been placed?
> (i.e to know if the return True for resize has any meaning)

I don't understand that question.

> 2. What is the reason for windows dropped by button 1 to not fall over to 
> button release, as windows dropped by button three. I know that not doing 
> so allows to keep moving the window until you release the button, but why 
> different behaviour for different buttons?

Can you post a config and some instructions to demonstrate the
problen, please?


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


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