On Sun, 18 Sep 2005, Dominik Vogt wrote:

I also have two code-related questions:
1. Is there a way to see if a FvwmWindow never have been placed?
(i.e to know if the return True for resize has any meaning)

I don't understand that question.

I wanted to know if it was the first time a window was being placed (i.e manual placement). I found out that it was ennoug to check if it was mapped or not, so no need to answer my initial question any nore.

2. What is the reason for windows dropped by button 1 to not fall over to
button release, as windows dropped by button three. I know that not doing
so allows to keep moving the window until you release the button, but why
different behaviour for different buttons?

Can you post a config and some instructions to demonstrate the
problen, please?

It's not really a configuration problem, but a code related one. With the current code placing with button three imedeatly finishes the placement (i.e fallthroug to button release in the button event, but placing with button 1 allows the window to be moved until the button is released. I think it's strange to have two different types of bavaviour depending on what button you place the window with. Is there any reason for this, if not, which is the desired functionality?

This is the last thing I need to know before commiting the my placement patch. If there is no objection I'll commit it by the end of this week.


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