On 21 Sep 2005 00:05:15 +0200, Viktor Griph wrote:
> >>2. What is the reason for windows dropped by button 1 to not fall over to
> >>button release, as windows dropped by button three. I know that not doing
> >>so allows to keep moving the window until you release the button, but why
> >>different behaviour for different buttons?
> It's not really a configuration problem, but a code related one. With the 
> current code placing with button three imedeatly finishes the placement 
> (i.e fallthroug to button release in the button event, but placing with 
> button 1 allows the window to be moved until the button is released. I 
> think it's strange to have two different types of bavaviour depending on 
> what button you place the window with. Is there any reason for this, if 
> not, which is the desired functionality?

I think the desired functionality is to be always able to cancel the move
using both keyboard (Escape) and mouse. These simple rules are good:

1) Mouse button that started dragging, when released, places a window.
2) Buttons 1 and 2 (unless they started dragging), when pressed, cancel.
3) Consider a non-dragging move as if it is done using button 1 (i.e.
   according to the previous rules, button 1 places, button 2 cancels)
4) Other buttons (currently number 3), when pressed, place a window.

This is the current behaviour. If you may preserve and extend it to more
than 3 buttons and possibly simplify the code, then I would say, fine.


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