On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, Olivier Chapuis wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a very naive Xinerama question:
> Is it possible to send to modules a "M_NEW_SCREEN" message
> when the mouse pointer change of screen?

        Technicaly it isn't possible -- X server wouldn't generate
"EnterScreenNotify" events, since Xinerama screens look like a single
large screen.  

        If this behaviour is really needed, fvwm itself should always
check if XineramaScreen(curx,cury)!=XineramaScreen(oldx,oldy), which can
be time consuming.  And there's another pitfall -- screens may overlap, so
that "screen where the pointer on" concept becomes somewhat dubious (but
that's a pathological case, and we use this concept anyway for determining
a rectangle to clip menus etc. to).

        BTW, Olivier, can you please tell where this behaviour can be
useful?  I tried to imagine such situations with no results, but something
tells me they *must* exist.

          Dmitry Yu. Bolkhovityanov
          The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics

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