I'm using a stock redhat7.1 system, except I've upgraded to XFree 4.1.0
and have two monitor's with xinerama support working happily.

But!... and this may actually be a fvwm-themes-devel question...
With Screen1 LeftOf Screen0
|-------------| |----------|
|             | |          |
|  Screen1    | | Screen0  |
|             | |          |
|             | |      ####|####
|-------------| |----------|

I'm finding strange quirky things like WindowList and other menus
popping up on either screen. For instance I'm using latest fvwm cvs as
well as fvwm-themes cvs, and choose CDE themes half of the cde button
bar module appears halfway off the screen of Screen0 which is on the
right like the #'s in the above diagram. And if you manually drag it
into view say to Screen1 which I have on the left, then clicking on any
menu on the cde button bar the menu pops up on Screen0 which is on the

So, is that my fault for trying to do things back to front?

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