On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 12:03:07AM +0300, Alexander Kotelnikov wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 09:37:27 -0700 (MST)
> >>>>> "Alex" == Alex Belits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alex> 
> Alex> On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> >> On 24 Jan 2002 09:26:13 +0100, Olivier Chapuis wrote:
> >> >
> >> > About the GetFont.c changes: you use *-fixed-* as fallback font.
> >> > What about using something like:
> >> >
> >> > #define FALLBACK_FONT 
> >> > "-*-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*,*-fixed-*"
> >> >
> >> > and we can add more fonts I think. The (small) problem with *-fixed-* is
> >> > that I get a bold large font.
> >> 
> >> On my system, "*-fixed-*" gives
> >> 
> >> -jis-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-jisx0208.1983-0
> >> 
> >> that does not contain ascii glyphs at all (at least xterm -fn "*-fixed-*"
> >> ends up empty). There is a misc-14 variant of this font, also unusable.
> >> Probably it is safe to assume a user has
> >> 
> >> -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 font.
> >> 
> Alex> 
> Alex>   What all of you are talking about? Most X servers won't even start if
> Alex> the font alias "fixed" isn't defined, so "fixed", not "*-fixed-*" should
> Alex> be the last-resort fallback. Most of people have it set to the default
> Alex> fixed font with iso8859-1 charset, and some (me, for example) to the 
> same
> Alex> with local charset (koi8-r in my case). *-fixed-* on my box also returns
> Alex> "-jis-fixed-medium-r-normal--0-0-75-75-c-0-jisx0208.1983-0", so it's
> Alex> hardly an uncommon setup.
> Thpe problem is that 
> 1. "fixed" is not a valid basename
> 2. "fixed" could be of not desired charset as "*-fixed-*" is for you.

Yes and No :o)
I think that here not evrey body are on the same subject;
and in fact I see a problem with the I18N_MB patch.

If you have "Style my_win Font foo-*-charsetA" with a locale which
supports only the charset charsetB, then fvwm with I18N_MB
will not load a font which match "foo-*-charsetA" but a
font which match *-fixed-*-charsetB (and not a jisx0208.1983-0
font if charsetB != jisx0208.1983-0).
I think that the correct fallback for GetFontSetOrFixed is to call
GetFontOrFixed (I.e, load a Font and not a Font Set). Or an
alternative is to have a Charset fvwm2 style.
Unfortunately the fvwm I18N_MB patch is not prepared to
do that ...

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