On Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 07:50:55AM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> On 02 Sep 2002 01:03:08 +0930, Alex Wallis wrote:
> > 
> > I'm getting an error when doing a make rpm-dist
> > 
> > error: line 15: Illegal char '-' in version: Version:   2.5.4-devel
> > 
> > I think it should be 2.5.4_devel  or 2.5.4.devel instead.
> Although 2.5.4_devel or 2.5.4.devel will work, my opinion is it should be
> simply 2.5.4, just like we had for years. I am not sure it is good that we
> develop one version and then someone releases a completly another one.
> This makes hidden errors (similar to this one) impossible to find. I.e.
> something works when version is, say 2.5.4-devel, but does not when 2.5.4
> or vice versa.
> IMO the development status of a package may be indicated by a file name
> (like in snapshots) or -version, but not in the configure's version.
> Additional problem with 2.5.4-devel is that this version is greater (more
> recent) than 2.5.4 by most of version string comparators.

Well, all I wanted was an indicator that someone is using cvs.  In
the past, people often said "I am using 2.x.y" and actually they
were running cvs code.  In the future they will hopefulle say "I
am running 2.x.y_devel".  No tarballs must ever be built and
distributed with this name.  Maybe "_cvs" is better as a suffix.

> How about having DEVEL_STRING in configure that is used in -version,
> fvwm-config and fvwm.1.in. It is " (devel)" or " (not released yet)"
> for the developement versions and empty for the stable releases.
> The VERSION is simply 2.5.4.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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