On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 12:27:17AM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> I urge everyone to stop all unnecessary run-ins.
> Noone will win from ultimatums and wars.
> Let's show we can do it peacefully without losing people.
> Here is what we will do:
> * Dedicate at least 2.4.16 and 2.5.7 to all victims of the war.
>   Every developer will sign it as a sign of reconciliation.
> * All statements except for GNU GPL are excluded from cvs.
> * Everyone shows a respect to the Dominik's full years of work by not
>   trying to attack him in the future, and Dominik reconsiders his prior
>   steps.  Attacking each other on code related issues is ok. :-)
> * We try to abstain from controversial talks on these forums.
> * We forget all disputs and return to code and to the birthday
>   preparations.
> I hope this is reasonable. Please agree.
> Dominik, OK?

I need more time to think.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^
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