> I need more time to think.

Time is up, the uneasy silence has to end, life has to go on.  I
feel obliged to reply to some statements that have been made, some
of which are fundamentally in error.  Some of these were made in
private, but I hope nobody will be angry with me for quoting them.
And I do not want to belittle anyone by not quoting him or her.

> This is the fundamental assumption I think many of the other
> respondents have brought to this thread -- that a moral judgment
> is private, personal and whenever possible should be respected.

I have to most fervently disagree with this opinion.  If moral
were private it had no meaning at all.  Moral must be shared by
many to make sense.  Sadly, this attitude is widespread nowadays,
at least in the society I live in.  Many people withdraw into
privacy, closing their eyes and comforting themselves with their
own morality - instead of making a difference.  Often, people who
demand ethics in public are chastised for their audacity.  I know,
being confronted with demands made by others can be uncomfortable
and is rejected violently by many people.  I firmly believe that
this society can not survive if everybody thinks (s)he can always
do as (s)he pleases.


> I think you should not feel any pangs of conscience by writting
> a good software.

I don't.  My conscience becomes important when I think about what
else I could have done with the time I spent writing software in a
moral-free space.


> I respect your feelings that this war is wrong, but I think this
> project is the wrong place to try to spread that message.

Try as I might, I simply can not understand the logic behind this
statement.  How can a place that is appropriate for exchanging cat
pictures - although it has nothing to do with the scope of fvwm, -
be inappropriate for talking about life and death?


> I feel I have no choice but to not install software with a
> political message.

Please do not blame that lack of choice on me.  One always has the
choices one chooses.  If I had to step on the toes of one million
people to save a single human life (*any* human life), I would do
it withouth thinking twice and not feel guilty afterwards,
although I would be sad about any dissent it brought.


Some people introduced the terms 'good' and 'evil' into the

I find the notion of good and evil not only ridiculous, but I
think it is a dangerous simplification of reality.  Armed
conflicts and wars all over the world show it clearly.  Many
madmen claim to fight 'holy missions' for 'good' using it as an
excuse to commit deeds considered 'evil' by many others.  And they
never even notice when their 'enemies' claim exactly the same for
themselves, with the same rights, or rather the same lack of.

No, the ethics I demand are not brought upon people by judgement
of someone else.  They can be reached by convention only, by
spreading the idea.


> Please let's stop that discussion. Please let's start again. I
> know we can do that. Forgiving can be painful, but it makes
> stronger.

Sorry, I do not want to hurt anybody, but I can not do this yet.


Finally, it has been noted by several people that making political
(I still think ethical is the right term) statements in this place
will not make any difference.  I have to disagree, and I think the
events of the last week prove it.  But surely, it is not the best
place to fight for peace either.


I wish I could make the right decision now, but the turmoil inside
me is too great at the moment.  As I said before, the silence has
to end.  I will abstain from the list for a week, hoping to reach
a decision by then.  I expect that this list returns to the normal
routine until then.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

P.S.:  I Noticed that I sometimes wrote the birthday was on 1st of
June and sometimes 1st of July.  I'm not sure which one is correct.
Someone should check this (fvwm was first released as part of
rxvt-0.5.something, I think).

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