Hi all,

The default config for FVWM is (IMO) yuk!

I propose we update it to actually make it usable & also to make it a
little more aesthetically pleasing.

As an initial step, find attached a .fvwm2rc file. This syntax could
be added to ConfigFvwmDefaults (& SetRCDefaults() in fvwm.c potentially
updated as well).

A screenshot is available here:


I would like to emphasise that the goal is NOT to have a whiz-bang,
super-dooper config showing off all FVWMs bells & whistles! (For that we
have custom .fvwm2rc files (hi Tavis! :) & fvwm-themes, etc.) The
default config should remain simple with a reasonable level of intuitive
functionality ... but it also shouldn't look like FVWM got stuck in the
90's! :)

All comments/suggestions/criticism most welcome.

SCoTT. :)
Style * Color AntiqueWhite/RoyalBlue
Style * HilightFore Yellow, HilightBack MidnightBlue

Mouse 0 1 A Menu DefaultButton1Menu

Mouse 1 2 A Close
Mouse 3 2 A Destroy

Mouse 1 4 A Maximize
Mouse 3 4 A Maximize False

Mouse 1 6 A Iconify
Mouse 3 6 A WindowShade

Mouse 1 I A Iconify off

Mouse 3 R A WindowList

DestroyMenu DefaultButton1Menu
AddToMenu DefaultButton1Menu
+ "&Close" Close
+ "&Destroy" Destroy
+ "&Iconify" Iconify
+ "Ma&ximize (toggle)" Maximize
+ "&Move" Move
+ "&Resize" Resize
+ "&WindowShade (toggle)" WindowShade

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MenuStyle * ActiveFore white

# Not sure about gradients on the titlebars.
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TitleStyle InActive HGradient 255 2 RoyalBlue 50 black 50 RoyalBlue

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