> I've never quite made my mind up whether to use several Desktops or
> several Pages on one desktop, what are the reasons (if any) for
> choosing one or the other?
> I've never found any use for running a program with a window larger
> than my screen size, I rarely (but very occasionally) would like to
> drag a window from one place to another.
> So for me Pages will work *slightly* better than Desktops except that
> they don't have names.
> In many ways it seems a rather artificial distinction that causes some
> confusion and doesn't offer much useful, but maybe I'm not seeing
> something obvious.
> (Yes, I know a Page is a 'screens worth' of a Desktop, but I don't see
> what use that is to me)

I use both -- typically 4 pages on each of 4 desktops (though both are
configurable easily via AnotherLevelUp preferences). I typically have ~6 or so
windows open on each desktop at any time, using ~2 or 3 pages of each.


        * FvwmTaskBar can be set to show only windows on the current desktop,
        (and iconised ones), which is less cluttered if you organise your
        desktops into `task' activities.

        * I use have it so that each desktop is associated with a directory of
        my filestore, so everything run from the menus there already has that
        directory as CWD. (I could say how this is done if you would like.)

        * Pages are used as more desk space within each `task', e.g. I might
        have a web browser open on the Java API in the page next to the one I
        am writing code in:  I can just slide between the two with either the
        mouse or shortcuts.

> Chris Green

Thanks, John

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