Viktor Griph wrote:
2009/8/18 Glen Lee Edwards <>:
Using FVWM 2.5.26 on debian lenny. �After a period of time, certian
functions/features quit working, such as the title bar buttons, the menu
won't appear when over a window but will over the root window. �Doing a
restart doesn't work, nor does quitting. �I have to do a killall fvwm to
restore functionality. �Sometimes fvwm shows up in ps as fvwm2, sometimes as
fvwm (less the '2'). �I'm not seeing anything in the log file. �Following is
my config script and log file.


I intentionally waited for some time to post this letter out of fear I'd look stupid. I actually knew this, but somehow the connection between intellectual understanding and practical application disappeared.

# � for the title bar buttons:
Mouse 1 1 � � � N � � � Menu RootMenu Nop

You may want to use A modifier for functions, but define the bindings
before any bindings using modifiers on the same button and context.

Hmm ... use A (all) instead of N (none) so when I hit the num lock or caps lock key the window is therefore configured to maintain the same functionality, instead of freezing up like it has with my prior configuration. Ok.

## Key Bindings

# Format: Key [key name] [context] [modifiers] [command]
Key Menu A N � �Menu RootMenu Nop
Key Menu A 3 � �Menu Window-Ops Nop
Key Menu A 4 � �Menu Window-Ops Nop
Key Menu A M � �Menu Window-Ops Nop
Key Menu A C � �WindowList
Key Menu A S � �WindowList

Here you probably want IgnoreModifiers, or create your own bindings
using different permutations of the modifiers you don't use.

I've added IgnoreModifiers L2 to my .fvwm2rc file so fvwm ignores caps lock and num lock. I'm using Xorg, so I don't know if these are the same as in XFree, but I'll find out. :)



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