Hi all,

This intended to be something fairly long-running, and I personally don't
wish to make the UI decisions myself, although I will keep a very close eye
on the FVWM-specific aspects of a proposed config to make sure it's done

What do I mean when I say "right"?  Well, for far too long now FVWM has had
a major thorn in its side -- the default config *sucks* to put it bluntly.
It's been a well known issue for years that it looks like a throwback to
1995 [1] and it's time to modernise it a bit.

There was an aborted attempt at this by Nick Fortune and myself [2] which
you should read before attempting this, as although the thread is a good
five years old now, the concept in there are not.  *Please read it*.

I want a few things from a new config:

* It should look "modern" (I'll leave that interpretation open-ended.)
* It should be minimal, but functional -- and not depend on *any* external
  dependencies that do not come with FVWM itself.
* The config file should be documented heavily -- as an example to look
  towards for new users.

Do not worry about the FVWM-specific things about integrating it with
FvwmForm-Setup and the like -- eventually, that'll be my job as there's
other surrounding problems with that.

I will also help where necessary with the documentation of such a config, as
that's where my interests lie overall in terms of its usefulness.

All I am really looking to see what the interest involved in this is.  I
warn you though, I won't hesitate to put a stop to it if this turns into a
shed-painting exercise -- I don't want that.  I can already foresee a bunch
of shed-painting, and I won't tolerate it.  It needs to be done in a
civilised manner.  Come to a consensus amongst yourselves; just don't
involve me in them, unless you have FVWM-specific questions.  :P

I'm not expecting anything quick on this -- I'd like to do it in stages, and
I want people to go away and think on it, and come up with ideas,
suggestions, etc.

I know we have projects already like fvwm-{themes,crystal} etc., and they're
great, but completely peripheral to what I am after, really.  I want a
config that just makes FVWM not look like a dinosaur out of the box.

So, thinking/creative hats on, guys.  This is a great way for someone who
isn't a programmer to contribute.

Any questions, ask.

-- Thomas Adam

[1]  As many know, I like the MWM look, but apparently, that's dead now.  :P
[2]  http://www.fvwmforums.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=205&start=150

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