On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 08:53:58AM -0400, Tom Horsley wrote:
> No don't do it! Pretty soon you'll be caught up in the whole
> newer is better philosophy that KDE and GNOME are trapped in
> and no one on the planet will have any idea how to use fvwm
> because it keeps moving everything around and changing
> in every release.

Heh -- I am not suggesting that!  It would be fairly static once in place --
it's a *window manager* after all.  Things like:

* New FvwmButtons -- swallowing things like:
        - FvwmIconMan
        - FvwmScript (maybe a clock?)
        - FvwmPager

* Change the window decors a bit -- maybe use colorset gradients?
* Don't look like MWM by default?

etc., etc.

That level of "minimal", but functional.

It should be easy to do -- especially for the menus now fvwm-menu-desktop
uses XDG, etc.

These sorts of changes *would* stand the test of time, unlike GNOME/KDE,
etc., who seem to have it as a pre-requisite that changing the default look
with each release is needed.

-- Thomas Adam

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