On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 09:18:34PM +0100, John Latham wrote:
> > Both FvwmComand and FvwmConsole are used a lot, so the goal is to replace=
> >  them with a more verstile tool. They won't be removed until this tool is=
> >  functional, been tested in many situations and people have had plenty of=
> >  time to change their configs.
> As I thought, thanks.
> One thing to point out though, for FvwmCommand it's not just configs that
> would be affected, but *software* built to run on fvwm. There may be an
> argument for providing a compat script, called FvwmCommand, to use the new
> module, when the old one is deleted. But I expect you would in any case have
> thought of that when the time comes! ;-)

Yes, ensuring FVWM doesn't break other software should be a consideration. But 
in this case it may only need to have FvwmCommand as a wrapper so it can be 
used in shellscipts (etc) in the same way. The difference is it won't be a 
Module running ontop of FVWM, it will just be a wrapper that sends the command 
to the socket.


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