Hello ro...@cloudcabin.org,

Am 2011-10-27 18:07:49, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
> Harry, let me assure you that Thomas would never toss a module for no
> reason and he would never screw things up.
> I have quite a large config with some whistles and bells and maybe a
> couple dirty hacks in it and I use Archlinux (which means bleeding edge,
> constant updates and such), I think the first version I tried was 2.5.27,
> and not a single feature was broken with an update.

I have strted using Fvwm2 in March 1999 and the config works up to NOW.

It is a very great Job of Thomas and Contributors.

> He also maintains one of the most detailed and accurate manual pages I've
> ever seen and runs forum and mailing lists where he is almost the only
> person to come up with a working solution to quite tricky problems.

Do you think, Thomas has written the Manpages itself?  I think,  he  was
clever enough to code a ThomasManpageBot which do it.  :-D

Yeah, very usefull and I have  read  it  all,  because  I  have  a  VERY
advanced FVWM config.

> So if tomorrow Thomas says 'OK guys, I think I'm rewriting fvwm in Lua and
> I think I'll toss this and that modules (including their functionality
> into fvwm itself)' my reaction would be 'Go ahead and thank you for the
> great work!'


Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack

##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ######################
   Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU/Linux
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