Hello Thomas,

Thomas Adam <tho...@fvwm.org> writes:

> Hello all,
> This is a very quick note to let you all know that as of next year I will be
> stepping down as the maintainer of FVWM -- largely this role is a very loose
> one, but since I seem to be the most vocal and more visibally active
> developer here, I felt it wise to mention this just in case people wonder
> where I've gone.
> I do not have the time anymore to devote to this project.  As such, I will
> still be providing ad-hoc bug-fixes, and general advice, but that's about
> all.  I will not be working on any major features.
> My last batch of work on this will be to complete module deprecation, even
> if that's stub code.  Dominik Vogt and I are completing work on the Git
> conversion still, which I am pleased about.
Am I correct in assuming that the idea of an FvwmSocket style module is
sort of dead in the water now?
> These will be done by early next year.  As soon as that happens, I shall
> release FVWM 2.6.4 -- after that, well, that's someone else's problem.  :)
> Thanks all.  It's been fun.  :)
Thanks to you Thomas, you got a *lot* done in a very short timespan,
it's a real shame to see you step down, but I hope you'll still have
some time to devote to Fvwm albeit at a more leisurly (sp?) pace than
the one you've kept up so far.

Kind regards,

Bert Geens

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