Lucio Chiappetti <> writes:

> On Sat, 17 Oct 2015, lee wrote:
>> I haven't figured out how to use multiple desks, though.  I tried
>> that once and apparently got multiple desks just by naming some, but
>> no way to switch between them.
> As other said, people usually use the pager to move among multiple
> desks (or multiple pages of one desk, or multiple pages of multiple
> desks),

I use the pager only to display an overview so I can see on which page I
am if I need to.  To switch pages, I move the mouse over the edge of the
screen, or, most of the time, use key bindings.

> but one can implement other ways ... menus in the root menu,
> buttons in a bar or widget, keyboard accelerators, menus in the window
> menu (to move a window to occupy a given desk or page). I have
> implemented most of those in my .fvwmrc although I do not use all of
> them with the same frequency (see
> for
> screenshots and links to examples)

That page doesn't seem to exist anymore.

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