"Thomas Funk" <t.f...@web.de> writes:

> [...]
> Another possibility is to install Fvwm-Crystal or Fvwm-Nightshade to
> get a full featured configuration of Fvwm.

Fvwm-crystal is very overwhelming for someone starting out with
fvwm, and the same is probably true for nightshade.

If the OP wants to have something fully functional, they are good
choices; if he wants to learn how to configure fvwm himself,
fvwm-crystal might be easier to start with.

A configuration created with the hopes of being somewhat helpful for
users wanting to learn how to configure fvwm can be obtained like this:

git clone git://dawn.adminart.net/fvwm.git

It currently isn't up to date because I recently made some changes when
switching to another keyboard.  It's working, though.  If you'd like to
know when I make another commit, you can send me an email and I'll let
you know.

After using i3 for a while, I totally realized that it is the job of
the window manger to mange the windows, literally.  It is, by all
means, /not/ the job of the user.  Once you realized this, you can see
the irony of calling an operating system "Windows", and you even have
to say they did a good job with that.

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