Stefan Klinger <> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm using darktable [1], an open-source photography workflow
> application and raw developer, basically a free Adobe Lr alternative.
> Recently I noticed a bug: Darktable allows to select areas
> (aka. shapes) on a photograph, and apply operations only to those
> areas instead of to the whole image.  Usually, one can drag these
> shapes around with the mouse, holding down button 1.  The bug
> manifests when pressing button 1 on a shape: It jumps away (southeast)
> from the pointer, maybe even outside of the window.  It is not
> possible to drag te shape to the top left area of the image.  The
> effect is larger to the lower right of the screen.
> I've filed a bug report [2] in darktable's tracker, and also
> *temporarily* provide screencasts [3].
> Pascal suggested that it's an issue with the window manager, which
> would be FVWM on my machine.  He cannot reproduce on Gnome.  I've
> tested the following:
>   * The bug disappears when using Openbox instead of FVWM, and also
>     when not using any window manager at all (only X then).
>   * I have (among others) this binding in my FVWM config
>         mouse 1 A 4 moveOrRaise
>     Disabling this makes the bug disappear, reenabling it produces the
>     bug again.  This is demonstrated in the 3rd video [4].
>   * I have not seen this with any other application, so mabe it's
>     linked to a rather exotic/brand new feature not employed often by
>     X clients.
> Can anyone reproduce this?
> ____________________
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]

Nope, no luck reproducing it.
Looks to me like Fvwm thinks your mouse 1 button has the Mod 4 modifier

Have you done something to enable sticky modifier keys?

You might want run "xev" and press mouse 1.

Dan Espen

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