I do not know if this is related (I doubt it, considering the
correlation with mouse bindings), but I've found this in my

    [fvwm][GetWindowSizeHints]: <<WARNING>> The application window (id 
      "darktable" has broken size hints (inconsistent with current size).
        fvwm is ignoring those hints.    hint override = 0, flags = 310
      min_width = 1172, min_height = 274, max_width = 0, max_height = 0
      width_inc = 0, height_inc = 0
      min_aspect = 0/0, max_aspect = 0/0
      base_width = 0, base_height = 0
      win_gravity = 1

        If you are having a problem with the application, send a bug report
        with this message included to the application owner.
        There is no need to notify fvwm-work...@fvwm.org.

As suggested, I'll send this to darktables bugtracker...

http://stefan-klinger.de                                        o/X
I prefer receiving plain text messages, not exceeding 32kB.     /\/

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