"Dr. Nikolaus Klepp" <dr.kl...@gmx.at> writes:

> Anno domini 2020 Wed, 26 Aug 19:37:03 +0100
>  Thomas Adam scripsit:
>> Hi,
>> I'm curious about a piece of Fvwm history.  In the git log for fvwm2,
>> the initial revision (which is when Jason committed the Fvwm code to
>> CVS), notes the following for Fvwm 2.0.41:
>>      Removed FvwmPrompt (use FvwmForm instead, since it's better
>>      anyways)
>> This was sometime in 1998, although I'm presuming 2.0.41 was before
>> then.
>> Has anyone gpt any information about FvwmPrompt?  If it were a
>> forerunner to FvwmForm I've not heard of it before.  I note from the
>> old mailing list archives that it was a compiled module, but I can't
>> find the code anywhere.
>> Dust off the cobwebs, folks!
>> I'm only asking as I have just committed a new binary to Fvwm3 called
>> "FvwmPrompt", and hadn't realised it had existed already.  I thought
>> I was being so clever with the choice of name as well... That'll
>> teach me!  :)
>> -- Thomas
> 1998 ... could it be that the SuSE Linux of 1995 has it? I remember I
> used fvwm95 around that time. I'll go to archive and check :)
> Nik

Wow, fvwm history that is before my time?  (I think.)

All I can come up with is a config file with this:

AddToMenu Module-Popup  "Modules"       Title   
+                       "Button-Bar"    Module  FvwmButtons
+                       "Clean-Up"      Module  FvwmClean
+                       "Identify"      Module  FvwmIdent
+                       "SaveDesktop"   Module  FvwmSave
+                       "Debug"         Module  FvwmDebug
+                       "Pager"         Module  FvwmPager 0 1
+                       "WinList"       Module  FvwmWinList
+                       "Background"    Module  FvwmBacker
+                       "IconBox"       Module  FvwmIconBox
+                       "Banner"        Module  FvwmBanner
+                       "Talk"          Module  FvwmTalk
+                       "Prompt"        Module  FvwmPrompt "hello" raise

Looks like it issued a prompt then executed an Fvwm command.

I don't remember FvwmClean either.

Dan Espen

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