  thank you very much. I Try to delete line with Menustyle * ItemFormat from 
default config and it shows me now Geometry when I want to see it. The same 
with your recommended ItemFormat string. Because old config has no such line, I 
decide to continue with default one.
But in both situations (with default ItemFormat and with recommended 
ItemFormat) now I see geometry when i use such ALT-TAB binding:

Silent Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c IconifiedAtEnd, NoGeometry, NoDeskSort, 
SelectOnRelease Meta_L

... which is line from my old config (old config only do not contain keyword 
Silent). In my old config I use Windowlist in both configurations, when I press 
ALT-TAB, I do not want to see geometry, but when I press mouse button at root 
window I want to see it. Now it seems that fvwm ignore NoGeometry, but with old 
config it work as expected. Is there another line in default config which can 
broke my expectation?

And just a note: Debian stable IMO has fvwm3 as a package so it is not 
neccessary to build it manually. 


On Mon, 1 Apr 2024 10:06:55 -0600
Jaimos Skriletz <jaimosskril...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 1, 2024 at 9:47 AM Pavel Vávra <pla...@square.cz> wrote:
> >
> >   I use fvwm 2.6.8 from Devuan oldstable distribution (I think its same 
> > binary as from Debian oldstable). I am testing default fvwm config and I 
> > found different results when I try to use WindowList from my old config and 
> > when I want to use new config based on default config.
> > ....
> > Has anybody idea why?
> This is a known bug with the default-config in fvwm 2.x (which is no
> longer a supported release). The issue is that the default-config
> didn't define the ItemFormat correctly to account for additional
> columns (which aren't used directly in the default-config). But menus
> that add these additional columns will not be shown. This was fixed in
> fvwm3, and the fixed ItemFormat from the fvwm3 default-config is:
> MenuStyle * ItemFormat "%s%|%3.1i%5.3l%5l%5r%5.3>%|"
> Add that to your config (replace the similar line in the
> default-config) and things should work again.
> As a side note, since fvwm2 is no longer supported, if you want to
> build an fvwm3 package for any debian based systems, follow the
> instructions here:
> https://github.com/somiaj/fvwm3-debian/
> The debian build tools automate most of the process, so outside of
> having to install the build dependencies, it is fairly straight
> forward. This should work on oldstable, though I personally use it on
> stable.
> jaimos

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