  you can ignore my last question, maybe it was my mistake, it works fine now.
  Thank you again.

On Mon, 1 Apr 2024 10:06:55 -0600
Jaimos Skriletz <jaimosskril...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 1, 2024 at 9:47 AM Pavel Vávra <pla...@square.cz> wrote:
> >
> >   I use fvwm 2.6.8 from Devuan oldstable distribution (I think its same 
> > binary as from Debian oldstable). I am testing default fvwm config and I 
> > found different results when I try to use WindowList from my old config and 
> > when I want to use new config based on default config.
> > ....
> > Has anybody idea why?
> This is a known bug with the default-config in fvwm 2.x (which is no
> longer a supported release). The issue is that the default-config
> didn't define the ItemFormat correctly to account for additional
> columns (which aren't used directly in the default-config). But menus
> that add these additional columns will not be shown. This was fixed in
> fvwm3, and the fixed ItemFormat from the fvwm3 default-config is:
> MenuStyle * ItemFormat "%s%|%3.1i%5.3l%5l%5r%5.3>%|"
> Add that to your config (replace the similar line in the
> default-config) and things should work again.
> As a side note, since fvwm2 is no longer supported, if you want to
> build an fvwm3 package for any debian based systems, follow the
> instructions here:
> https://github.com/somiaj/fvwm3-debian/
> The debian build tools automate most of the process, so outside of
> having to install the build dependencies, it is fairly straight
> forward. This should work on oldstable, though I personally use it on
> stable.
> jaimos

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