Thomas Adam wrote:

--- Sylvain Bougerel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

- Abandon of the old mwm-like decoration architecture, that is <design-wise> obsolete.

It's not obsolete by _any_ stretch of the imagination.  And it doesn't
take up much code in FVWM.  Although I have to ask what you  mean by
"mwm-decoration".  Remember that Motif applications set windowing hints
that FVWM honours (and can be told not to).  If you mean the default
configuration file is too old, then see here:

... it's a work in progress Nick and I are sorting out -- so sit tight,
as it will (at some point) need a formal discussion on the fvwm-workers
mailing list, and now is certainly not the time.

By mwm-decoration I was just meaning the current decoration
system. I did not mean the default configuration file is old.

Replacement by a user-defined set of rectangulars area forming the decorations, and that
allow the use of shaped windows. It would be so nice to have
round-edged windows
without having to fake shaped windows with transparency ....

If there is one thing that people want, it's this.  Truth is, the
entire decor code (around which window decorations within FVWM are
based) has been deprecated and due for a re-write (I am assuming) once
FVWM 2.6 hits stable -- at least enough time for its inclusion in FVWM
3.  That has been the plan for _a long_ time now, but it's like
everything else:  time.

I have recently written a patch for FVWM (I am not releasing it yet to
fvwm-workers) that allows one to apply a different colorset to each of
the four borders of the window (and where applicable, a different
colour for the handles of a window) -- it's things like this, that'll
hopefully get completed and included with FVWM3.

I wasn't aware that this was on development. I admit I haven't
read through the mailing list deep enough. I am very
happy to read such a news.

- A "normal" alt-tab behavior. May be the only Fvwm functionality
that cannot be too tunable, but it would be good in one alt-tab pressure to switch to the last window while holding on
the key display the window list. (Or may be there is a way to do it,
but I never found
something like that in fvwm)

Then you're not reading the main FVWM FAQ close enough.

I reconfigured my .fvwmrc, limitations that I were speaking
about are tied to 2.4, not  2.5 anymore.
I misread the first time and assume it was the current state.
Shame on me. May be you would change the default config file
to reflect the normal behavior? Or may be not, if I am the only
one complaining after all. My current default configuration still
leaves me on the same window when I quickly press alt-tab
(instead of going to the preceding one).

- Possibility to set multicolored mouse cursors in fvwm.

That's nothing to do with FVWM -- indeed, things like that are
controlled by the XServer.

Ok thanks for your answer, it appears that I have to deal with
xsetroot -cursor / -cursor_name option. I did not found a tutorial
for setting up colored curor. I assume its possible, since they
did it in E17. I'll try to figure it out.

- Optionaly, an integration of xcomponant in fvwm (by module or else...). I would like to see
fading windows when I iconify or desiconify, for exemple.

Look at Metisse, as that might provide you with something similar.

-- Thomas Adam

I indeed now about metisse. But Metisse is not the way I would
like things to work. Though this is a very interesting project, you
require additional components to run it. I would like that fvwm
just use the available extensions. But I can stick
with xcompmgr for the moment. I just wanted to know if at one
point there will be an interest for the fvwm team to deal with
the composites.

Also: is it possible that the transluency option be mainstream
in fvwm: every time a new upgrade is comming I have
to patch it again.

Finally I am aware that time is always the big issue. Hence,
I do not give any deadline, I will never dare, and I am gratefull
for the work that you are doing. As a responsible user, I feedback
my feeling about Fvwm after few months of use. :)



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