On 21 Aug 2002 00:14:21 +0200, Imre Vida wrote:
>  i run my machine under Debian woody.
>  When i tried to switch to fvwm i had problems running
>  fvwm (offical deb package v2.4.8). 
>  First i could not get it started with xdm but was still able 
>  to launch it from an xterm. Later on, however, i was not able 
>  to launch it at all what ever i tried.
>  Finally i decided to down load the source and compile it myself,
>  First i downloaded v.2.5.2 and it was running fine but later on
>  i thought it would be may be safer to have the stable version.
>  And now that i compiled and tried to run v2.4.9 i have exactly the
>  same problem.
>  There are two error messeges about fvwm not being able
>  to find a fontset:
>  [FVWM][GetFontSetOrFixed]: WARNING -- can't get fontset 'fixed', trying
>  '-*-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'
>   [FVWM][GetFontSetOrFixed]: ERROR -- can't get fontset
>   '-*-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'
>   The xserver /xfontsel/ does know about these fonts so they are
>   definitely not missing (and the fontsever is running).
>   Originally i had xdm setup to start up the window manager.
>   In this case, after a blank window i got back to the login window
>   (while any other window man e.g. icewm, sawfish or even gnome-session
>   can be started without probs).
>   xdm.log says:
>   X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).
>   warning: process set to nice value 0 instead of -10 as requested
>   (but i believe this is not about fvwm)
>   I also tried to start fvwm from an xterm only xsession:
>   i got the above errormsg about the fontset and nothing
>   else hapens interestingly before the restart this worked
>   despite the errormsgs.
>   I tried this also as root - no difference. And run strace: i find
>   the same erromsgs but nothing else that would give me a cue what
>   is going on.

Three questions to you.

1) Did you built 2.4.x with --enable-multibyte? (run: fvwm-config -s)

2) What is your locale? (run: locale)

3) Does fvwm immediately exit? If no, do you get the root menu?

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