On Fri, Aug 23, 2002 at 06:33:59PM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> > Is there any reason for using ro_RO.ISO-8859-16 ?
> It includes the euro sign and some other small changes AFAIK.
> I suppose fvwm-2.4.x exits when it does not find fixed *-iso8859-16 font.
> By the way these patches to replace searching for strictly "fixed" font
> were demanded by the Debian maintainer, I think he included these or
> similar patches before creating debs anyway. 

Sorry, but i don't understand this:
If such a patch was requested and applied why does the program exit
after not finding one set of fixed fonts?
((There is only one errormsg /to be precise - one msg twice/,
and also it is misleading as it does not specify that it is looking 
for /in my case/ *-iso8859-15 fonts.)) 

This also suggests that the maintainers are aware of (at least some) 
problems on this "front". This is to put it very softly, as John did 
it earlier "a bit naughty" against all those "stupid users" like me.


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