
Antalóczy Tibor wrote:
I have a site running on Zend Framework and since I had trouble with MnoGoSearch lately I was thinking about replacing it with a solution built on Zend_Search. I have started to read about it on the net (first the manual), but I was disappointed to see that it only handles ASCII characters. Is that right?

Right. The core of Zend_Search_Lucene works with utf-8, but document analyzer needs utf-8 compatible versions of ctype_alpha(), ...

iconv('', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $srcData) may be used now to work with umlauts.
It translates one umlaut character into two common characters. Thus it doesn't brake a word. I plan to move such translation from document field class into analyzer. So it will be transparent to users.

Of course, it's only work around and full utf-8 support must be implemented.

Are there any plans to make it UTF-8 compatible?


With best regards,
   Alexander Veremyev.

Without that, I can't see it being any useful.

Best regards,


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