No, I don't see Zend_Layout as accepted as is, and I have not been told that. In all truthfulness, I've expressed a concern to Matthew that the development of such component, be it spearheaded by a community member or not, be completely visible to the community as much as possible throughout the process.

It can be argued that both proposals have merits. In fact, I didnt fully appreciate the use of partials until I saw your implementation, as an example.

At the end of the day, I think it can be said that we all want the best solution. And in finding the best solution, we need to identify where this solution will exist, be it a "Composite component" in the top level pseudo-namespace, or as a hard coupled "feature" of an existing component (like the view or the controller, andi mentioned Zend_View_Layout). Whatever the answer, it needs to be scale-able and flexible, and also not loose sight that this framework can AND WILL be used in more environments than just the Web/http.

preferred MVC practice in the community. Both current proposals are also not equal in scope and goals - another point seemingly lost is that Layouts is just one part of Zend_View Enhanced proposes.

I am hoping this is addressed in the development process.

Contrary to the growing belief, both Layout strategies shouldn't be considered as being in competition. I said very early on that implementing both could be a major plus to the community, and this should be given some weight going forward.

I actually kinda agree here. BTW.

If both implementations were to be implemented, there would have to be a very clear and consise guide to deciding which to use and when, as YES, they both do suit semi-overlapping but different needs.


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