I thought I should chime in here as the MVC lead at Zend.

Andi did mention Zend_View_Layout when discussing the 1.1.0 release.
Internally, the idea is for *layout* support, regardless of how it's
implemented (view helpers/enhancements, controller plugin, action
helper, or some combination thereof). Neither Zend_Layout nor
Zend_View_Enhanced have been accepted at this time; I still need to
review each of them completely.

The process I intend to follow is this:

 * Review the existing proposals
 * Review solutions in other frameworks/languages
 * Either 
   * accept one or more proposals, likely with modifications, or
   * create a counter-proposal that integrates the various proposed
     solutions and gather more feedback
 * Work with the various contributors to get the final accepted proposal
   to completion

I want the process to be as transparent as possible, and will likely be
posting regularly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] once I begin, asking for
feedback. If you are interested in this component, please subscribe to
that list so you can follow the progress; I'd like to move all
discussion to there instead of fw-general.

Both proposals, Zend_Layout and Zend_View_Enhanced, have some definite
strengths, and there is very little overlap. If both are accepted,
however, we have to make sure they "play nice" together, and also that
there is good documentation as to when to use which strategy.

Regardless of what happens, there will be some sort of support for
layouts in 1.1.0, and before that in the trunk. Stay tuned!

-- Ralph Schindler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Wednesday, 11 July 2007, 11:08 AM -0500):
> No, I don't see Zend_Layout as accepted as is, and I have not been told 
> that.  In all truthfulness, I've expressed a concern to Matthew that the 
> development of such component, be it spearheaded by a community member 
> or not, be completely visible to the community as much as possible 
> throughout the process.
> It can be argued that both proposals have merits. In fact, I didnt fully 
> appreciate the use of partials until I saw your implementation, as an 
> example.
> At the end of the day, I think it can be said that we all want the best 
> solution.  And in finding the best solution, we need to identify where 
> this solution will exist, be it a "Composite component" in the top level 
> pseudo-namespace, or as a hard coupled "feature" of an existing 
> component (like the view or the controller, andi mentioned 
> Zend_View_Layout).  Whatever the answer, it needs to be scale-able and 
> flexible, and also not loose sight that this framework can AND WILL be 
> used in more environments than just the Web/http.
> > preferred MVC practice in the community. Both current proposals are also 
> > not equal in scope and goals - another point seemingly lost is that 
> > Layouts is just one part of Zend_View Enhanced proposes.
> I am hoping this is addressed in the development process.
> >Contrary to the growing belief, both Layout strategies shouldn't be 
> >considered as being in competition. I said very early on that 
> >implementing both could be a major plus to the community, and this 
> >should be given some weight going forward.
> I actually kinda agree here. BTW.
> If both implementations were to be implemented, there would have to be a 
> very clear and consise guide to deciding which to use and when, as YES, 
> they both do suit semi-overlapping but different needs.
> -ralph

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
PHP Developer            | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zend - The PHP Company   | http://www.zend.com/

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