.NET means many things. I guess that you want to make a choice between
ASP.NET and Zend Framework. It depends on what operating system you are
planning to deploy applications on. You should stick with ASP.NET if you use
Windows extensively. For me, LAMP is a better, more powerful alternative to

+ Choice: more choices
+ Price: your development cost and your customer's cost when they buy and
deploy your products
+ Community: PHP communities is more friendly and helpful
+ Lot of open source applications that you can try and get rid of if it they
do not fit your need.
+ Linux is more powerful, scriptable, flexible and reliable than the
+ PHP is a more compact and web friendly language. VB.NET and C# are system
programming language and they are much more verbal. One PHP line of code can
be rewritten in tens of VB.NET or C# lines of code.
+ No lock in one IDE, one OS and/or database server
+ If you care about web standards, go PHP. ASP.NET tag soups is
+ ASP.NET is not flexible and non MVC. Smarty/PHPSavant + PHP classes at
PHPClasses.org == ASP.NET way of thinking. I don't like component-based
frameworks like ASP.NET because it always tries to be desktop-alike
environment.  It comes with no surprise because MS is a desktop shop. I hate
to see  some javascript generated automatically by IDE to make webpages work
with single form architecture. I hate to see evil ViewState and substandard
+ Mono is a toy project.

ASP.NET has several advantages
+ Optimized for Windows
+ Better tooling support
+ Desktop application developer friendly
+ State-of-art integration with MS products
+ You don't need to care about web standards

Just my 2 cents

On 10/7/07, rogeson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is of course a no-brainer to me, but my current task is to convince
> the
> company I work for to build our next product using the Zend Framework
> instead of .Net, and there are a lot of .Net enthusiasts here.
> Does anybody have any good arguments as to how and why using PHP and the
> Zend Framework is a superior choice to .Net? Has anybody had convince
> their
> organization of the same sort of thing?
> Thanks!
> Roger
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/.Net-or-Zend-Framework--tf4580976s16154.html#a13076861
> Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at Nabble.com.


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