Ok. Sorry, guys. Usually I'm trying to avoid "one vs. another"
discussions. I prefer to stop on "project requirements" point, which
Bill highlighted below.

I always glad to see you visiting my site and sending me emails.


On 10/8/07, Bill Karwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree with Rob.  If your team and project have a significant
> investment in .NET, then use .NET.  If you're in the minority, and the
> rest of the team are .NET advocates, then suck it up and learn .NET.
> The cost of re-tooling, re-training, and adjusting your team's culture
> to the new language and framework is so expensive that it'll probably
> cancel out any productivity advantage the other technology may have.  An
> organization should switch technologies only if there is some compelling
> benefit, such as a required capability that the new language can do
> easily, but which is grievous or simply impossible in the old language.
> One can make arguments about minor technical advantages PHP & ZF may
> have over .NET.  But I don't think there is any such point that could be
> called "compelling" (except with respect to specific project goals).  So
> the non-technical arguments should be the deciding factors, such as
> those regarding licences, cost, and team culture.
> Regards,
> Bill Karwin
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Rob Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Sunday, October 07, 2007 2:20 AM
> > To: fw-general@lists.zend.com
> > Subject: Re: [fw-general] .Net or Zend Framework?
> >
> > rogeson wrote:
> > > This is of course a no-brainer to me, but my current task is to
> > > convince the company I work for to build our next product using the
> > > Zend Framework instead of .Net, and there are a lot of .Net
> > enthusiasts here.
> > >
> > > Does anybody have any good arguments as to how and why
> > using PHP and
> > > the Zend Framework is a superior choice to .Net? Has anybody had
> > > convince their organization of the same sort of thing?
> >
> >
> >
> > For me, it would depend on the team. You can build great web
> > projects in .NET, Java, PHP, Python, Perl, Lisp and even Ruby.
> >
> > If my team knew .NET inside out, then I'd build the product
> > using .NET and vice-versa for PHP. It's expensive to throw
> > away all your code, experience and knowledge of one language
> > for the promise of greener grass.
> >
> >
> > A more complicated question is should a PHP shop which has
> > it's own set of libraries & glue framework move to the Zend
> > Framework? This is much harder to answer due to having to
> > weigh the cost of losing the investment in your current
> > solution against the possible benefits of more productivity
> > and less bugs due proper separation of concerns.
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Rob...
> >

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