I like fckeditor (www.fckeditor.net). It integrates into anything. You can create your own zend_form_element descendant for it and it will do great, I am going to do this within two weeks anyway.


Bradley Holt schreef:
I haven't tried it yet, but I'd recommend taking a look at WYMeditor <http://www.wymeditor.org/>. It's WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) instead of WYSIWYG.

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 3:03 PM, Lior Messinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hi all

    i'm new at ZF, and would like to use it since I've heard great
    things. But,
    i'm a little at awe on how should i design a web form, Wysiwyg style.

    >From the many posts and documentation, it seems that I need to
    put all the
    html code and tags as decorators. Could that be? It would make it
    complex to design and maintain.

    Alternatively, I thought of is building the page in dreamweaver,
    changing it
    to phtml, and then enclose form elements as  <?=
    $this->form->getValue('firstName'); ?> or <?=
    $this->form->getElement('firstName'); ?> (for the edit boxes).
    would that

    Is there another option? Any Wysiwyg Zend-supporting editors?

    thanks SO MUCH for ANY idea
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Bradley Holt

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