I like fckeditor (www.fckeditor.net). It integrates into anything. You can create your own zend_form_element descendant for it and it will do great, I am going to do this within two weeks anyway.

Bradley Holt schreef:

I haven't tried it yet, but I'd recommend taking a look at WYMeditor. It's WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) instead of WYSIWYG.

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 3:03 PM, Lior Messinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Hi all

i'm new at ZF, and would like to use it since I've heard great things. But,
i'm a little at awe on how should i design a web form, Wysiwyg style.

Correct me if I'm correcting you all wrong, but I think that what Lior is asking is what WYSIWYG editor to use to make forms that use Zend_Form rather than what in-browser WYSIWYG editor to use.

Unfortunately, apart from clarifying, I can't help with an answer, but if it were an in-browser editor question I would vouch for WYMeditor!

Hope that helps someone else help,


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