Hi Micha?,
You should be able to see the code formatted correctly if you open up the .php file attachment, I'm not sure why the email clients don't display it correctly, but the file is there in full with all formatting.

Micha? Zieli?ski wrote:
Jack, could you please paste the formatted code on the http://paste2.org/ or
elsewhere. It would be easier to look at.

To get better performance (at the time) of ZF you need to remove all
require_once from lib classes and write your own autoloader based on SPL?
(of course using caching to gain performance is obvious)

Although in http://www.nabble.com/Zend_Form-and-generating-fields-td18826312.html#a18830980
one thread  Matthew said that performance audit is considered for 1.7
release I hope the changes which speed up autoloading will appear asap.
Sooner than 2.0 ;)

Jack Sleight wrote:


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