Matthew Weier O'Phinney schreef:
-- Bart McLeod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
(on Wednesday, 27 August 2008, 05:32 PM +0200):
I think I found a clue. The select elements seem to have gotten an in_array
validator! it does never validate, since the options aren't added until very
late, because lesser options are added as more of them are already in use.
So this validator, however nice, has killed my subform processing. I can
probably remove the validator or do not check and just populate the subform,
since I am not checking it anyway. Or add all of the options, just for
validations sake, which will be the best option I guess.

So, problem solved, beware!

You can also disable loading this validator:

   // Or, pass a boolean false value to the 'registerInArrayValidator'
   // option when instantiating.

BTW, this validator is added by default for all elements deriving from the
Multi base class -- which includes Select, Multiselect, MultiCheckbox,
and Radio. The idea was to make it simpler to register these --
typically you'll use the inArray validator with the exact same options
you pass in.

I like the idea. It is actually quite good. I just hoped to save on performance by not adding all the options for all of the subforms from the start, since most of them won't be used anyway, but I think the benefit of automatic validation outweighs the benefit of a little extra performance. I will be in need of an opcode cache anyway. I could also inverse the approach and use a hidden element a the start and only replace it with a select if one is really being used. For now, I hapily take the benefit of the automatic white list validation.


Bart McLeod
Bart McLeod schreef:

    I printed the results of validation to the screen and I get this remarkable
    save : opslaan - valid
    delete : - valid
    code : bedrijfsinfo - valid
    sequence_number : 10 - valid
    in_mainmenu : 1 - valid
    begin : 27-08-2008 - valid
    end : 31-12-9999 - valid
    number_of_childbranches : 1 - valid
    number_of_parentbranches : 1 - valid
    number_of_translations : 1 - valid
    translation : bedrijfsinfooooooooooooooooooo - valid
    language_id : DEU - valid
    remove : - valid
    branch_id : - valid
    subcode : - valid
    sub_sequence_number : 1 - valid
    remove : - valid
    branch_id : - valid
    maincode : - valid
    sub_sequence_number : 1 - valid
    remove : - valid
    translation : bedrijfsinfooooooooooooooooooo - valid
    language_id : DEU - INVALID
    remove : - INVALID

    The last time a subform is checked, it is invalid, while with the same
    values, it is valid if checked in the form as a whole. Something very
    strange is happening.
    I will try removing the validation check for now.


    Bart McLeod schreef:

         * Fixes to how array notation with subforms works. This _may_ affect
           what you're observing; if so, it's likely you were working around the
           issues, and I may be able to present a fix.

        This is likely to be the cause of the problem! So far I found the form
        validates with $_POST as is, BUT it does not get populated with the
        correct values.

        This is the form:
        class SubFormTranslation extends CmsSubForm {

            public function init(){
                    //translation field
                    $translation = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('translation');

                    //language_id field
                    $language_id = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('language_id');
                    /*I do not set required here becuase it complicates
        reducing the options
                    * upon reload the validator will mourn if a language_id is
                    * while it is nothing to worry about
                    * */
            public function render(Zend_View_Interface $view =  null){
                if($lang = $this->language_id->getValue()){
                    $decorator = new ReadOnlyDecorator();
                    $this->language_id->addDecorator(array('div' =>
                return parent::render($view);

        The elements that get added in init are the only two elements, except
        for a removal button that is added in the ancestor CmsSubForm.
        Nothing is required, yet it does not validate if given an array. Should
        the array have the indexes in the format: formname-fieldname? I am
        currently feeding them as fielname.

        Sample data:
        language_id: de
        translation: something

        Sample post data:
        array('subform_translation1' => array('language_id' => 'de',
        'translation' => 'something'));

        Expected outcome:
        true === $subform->isValid($sample_post_data['subform_translation1']);
        Real life outcome:
        false === $subform->isValid($sample_post_data['subform_translation1']);

        Hope this helps you in finding the answer that I am overlooking!


        Bart McLeod

        Matthew Weier O'Phinney schreef:

            -- Bart McLeod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
            (on Wednesday, 27 August 2008, 03:36 PM +0200):

                To be more specific:
                               if($this->validateSubform($subform, $code,
                                   $changed = true;
                               //this part should not be needed
                               echo "subform is invalid.". print_r($_POST, 
                The subform does not validate. The version that is in 
production does.
                With a version of ZF standard/trunk that is about six weeks 
older than
                my current version.


            Can you send me the form and some sample data to try and validate? 
            to know what changed, and I'd like to find out.

            There were two primary changes to forms for 1.5.3 and 1.6.0:

             * Implemented lazy-loading of plugins. This shouldn't affect what
               you're observing, however.
             * Fixes to how array notation with subforms works. This _may_ 
               what you're observing; if so, it's likely you were working 
around the
               issues, and I may be able to present a fix.

                Bart McLeod schreef:

                    Hi all,

                    I have been on a long vacation. So after six weeks I have 
updated my
                    ZF library from svn, and guess what: subforms processing in 
                    application is broken now. Anyone knows of any changed 
                    naming of elements for example? Because the number of 
subforms is
                    dynamic, I have to check for their names in $_POST to see 
if there are
                    any to process.

                    There are no errors whatsoever, they just don't get 


                    Bart McLeod

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