I'm getting this now on trunk, works with the version before the performance

Zend_Loader_PluginLoader_Exception: Plugin by name HeadTitle was not found
in the registry; paths searched: ....

On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 6:00 PM, Pieter Kokx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Hi Matthew,
> It seems that the incubator is giving me a hard time. The Zend_Loader
> version in the incubator does not suppress warnings. I know that I shouldn't
> use the incubator, so it is mostly my bad. But i think the incubator should
> be changed so it will have the same behavior as the version in the trunk
> (unless there is a good reason for this).
> Regards,
> Pieter Kokx
> MaakSite.net
> PHP Developer
> Matthew Weier O'Phinney schreef:
> -- Pieter Kokx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> (on Sunday, 05 October 2008, 04:44 AM -0700):
>  I have looked in the load method of Zend_Loader_PluginLoader, and it seems
> that it will only loop one and then already throws a warning because it
> can't find the file. But in the next iteration it does find the file, but
> the evil is done already, the warning is printed on the screen. And yes, I
> can run with error_reporting(0), but that isn't the idea behind a
> development phase.
>  What warning are you getting? We're suppressing warnings on both the
> fopen() call in isReadable() as well as the include calls in loadFile(),
> so I'd like to know what the source of the warning might be.

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