On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 11:58 PM, Ralikwen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You mean : Zend_Db_Profiler_Firebug('All DB Queries') ?
> Yes, I did try that and I thought wow, fantastic, but it seems to me that it
> only logs successful queries so e.g. queries with a syntax error would not
> get logged - which would be logical for a profiler that needs start and end
> time.

Can you explain that? I was always under the impression that errors
are thrown with an exception - so in your case that is where I would
log the offenders? Just a wild guess but that's what I'd do. But maybe
I didn't get the full picture.

Also, there are services like getexceptional.com that allow you to
post exceptions to a webservice and you get all your errors in a very
pretty interface. There's a PHP class on github (shameless plug) -
<http://github.com/till/exceptional-php/tree/master>. So basically
what it does is, it intercepts the standard exception handler, hands
it off to getexceptional.com and then it continues with whatever your
app does with the errors usually.


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