-- Colin Guthrie <gm...@colin.guthr.ie> wrote
(on Tuesday, 27 January 2009, 09:39 AM +0000):
> While I believe the changes were minimal and also noted in the 1.7.3  
> official release, would it not have made more sense to call this a  
> release? That way everything works as expected and is  
> transparent etc.?

We use version_compare() within the website and release code in order to
determine the order of releases. version_compare() follows the
versioning schema of the PHP project itself. Additionally, since we are
looking at offering ZF via a PEAR channel, we need to follow this schema
to ensure compatibility with the PEAR installer. is not a valid
naming schema for these tools, but 1.7.3pl1 is ("pl1" means "patch level
1", indicating it's a patched version of the 1.7.3 release).

BTW, version_compare's naming schema is as follows:

    dev(el) < a(lpha) < b(eta) < RC < (stable) < p(l)

We got bit by this recently when we released a "PR" version -- meaning
"Preview Release", as version_compare() saw this as a patch level (and
thus 1.7.0PR1 was displaying above 1.7.0 on the download page). As a
result, the actual packages we create for preview releases in the future
will actually be alpha packages to ensure compatibility with the

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Software Architect       | matt...@zend.com
Zend Framework           | http://framework.zend.com/

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