It was released due to a missing 'require' in the ZendX_JQuery
I'm sorry that I didn't send out an announcement, but I really didn't
think that this was significant enough to warrant one. Given the
community's reaction, I'm thinking that it wasn't significant enough to
issue the patch in the first place.
I'll review 'to patch or not to patch' decision in more detail going
forward and announce it on the contributors, general, and announce lists
if we patch a release in the future.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rob Allen []
> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 11:40 AM
> To: Zend Framework General
> Subject: Re: [fw-general] No announce for 1.7.3PL1
> On 27 Jan 2009, at 17:01, Wil Sinclair wrote:
> > We decided not to do a release announcement for patches. We've
> > released them in the past for other packages like GData and didn't
> > announce them then. Plus, there are no new features, bug fixes,
> > etc., so it's not much of an announcement. :) If it would help avoid
> > confusion, I can send a quick note to fw-general if we ever have to
> > patch again.
> >
> > ,Wil
> If there are no new features or bug fixes or etc. then why was a patch
> release done? Calling it a patch release implies that something
> changed to me...
> I'd also appreciate a quick note to fw-general or announce if a patch
> is done again.
> Regards,
> Rob...

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