'Twas brillig, and Wil Sinclair at 27/01/09 20:20 did gyre and gimble:
It was released due to a missing 'require' in the ZendX_JQuery

Incidentally while looking at the ZendX_JQuery stuff today I noticed a prefix of ZendX_Dojo which is odd:
$ grep -rn Dojo *
JQuery/Form.php:45: ->addElementPrefixPath('ZendX_Dojo_Form_Decorator', 'ZendX/JQuery/Form/Decorator', 'decorator')

I suspect it's a copy/paste error?

I'm sorry that I didn't send out an announcement, but I really didn't
think that this was significant enough to warrant one. Given the
community's reaction, I'm thinking that it wasn't significant enough to
issue the patch in the first place.
I'll review 'to patch or not to patch' decision in more detail going
forward and announce it on the contributors, general, and announce lists
if we patch a release in the future.

I didn't meant to open a can of worms here :(

I would certainly not want to discourage you issuing the patch release or similar, it's just that any release without an announcement just feels wrong to me: you may spend some time debugging an issue in what you think is the most recent version only to find when you report the bug that it was fixed in the PL release and it's just that you didn't realise this was available because you did not look at the download page first. Even just a very quick announce with a totally cut down message saying e.g. "patch release 1 has fixed a minor issue, see the 1.7.3 announcement for the full details of the 1.7.3 release" would have been appreciated. I don't know if this process of sending such a mail to the announce list is awkward or not (due to moderation processes etc) or whether such a short announcement would be permitted.

Anyway, like I say I don't mean to criticise and I do appreciate all your work :)



Colin Guthrie

Day Job:
  Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/]
Open Source:
  Mandriva Linux Contributor [http://www.mandriva.com/]
  PulseAudio Hacker [http://www.pulseaudio.org/]
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