Hello Jonathan,

Really great app, I will make sure to use it next time I'll be doing an eCommerce site.
Generating PDF bills from scratch is really a hassle !

Baptiste Placé.

Jonathan Maron a écrit :
Hello all

I have written quite a lot of e-mail off list in response to my
original post. Here is a summary:

1. In addition to the version which is publicly available over the
Internet, we will be releasing a commercial version, which can be
installed locally in a client network. The price point of this product
has yet to be set. I wrote about this here:


2. It is possible to encrypt communication between client and server
with SSL. Indeed, when personal data are being sent over the wire, I
would recommend this approach.

3. The following template file formats (input) are supported:

* DOCX - Microsoft Word DOCX Format
* DOC - Microsoft Word DOC Format
* RTF - Rich Text Format File
* TXD - TX Text Control Format

The following document file formats are supported:

* DOCX - Microsoft Word DOCX Format
* DOC - Microsoft Word DOC Format
* RTF - Rich Text Format File
* PDF - Acrobat Portable Document Format
* TXD - TX Text Control Format
* TXT - ANSI Plain Text

It is possible that in a future version of the backend technology (TX
Text Control) that the formats ODT, ODS, ODP will be supported.
However, currently this is not planned.

Also see:

I would also be really interested in hearing in which kind of
applications you would like to use phpLiveDocx.

At the company for which I work, we use phpLiveDocx to generate
invoices, quotations and price lists.

I have spoken to an organization, which is planning on using
phpLiveDocx to generate vouchers (as PDF) and which are then e-mailed
in a batch job to around 15,000 recipients per day.

What about you? What would your applications be with phpLiveDocx?

Jonathan Maron

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