Hello Francisco

I can also imagine a lot of applications in which it would be useful
to assign formatted text to a variable. This will be possible in a
future version of phpLiveDocx. It will be possible to not only specify
HTML text, but also blobs of DOC, DOCX or any other supported format.

As soon as this is available, I will inform the list.

Very best regards,

Jonathan Maron

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 5:56 PM, Francisco Azevedo
<franci...@aquarelo.com> wrote:
> Hi Jonathan
> Is it possible to assign html code to a variable? Something like this:
> $phpLiveDocx->assign('mytext',  'This is <b>bold</b>, this is new <br />
> line and this is a image <img src=".......');
> regards
> Francisco A

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